/ Visa for citizens of Russia
Registration Form
Citizens of russia need a VISA to enter Dedaena bar because not ALL russians are welcome. We stand for equality and unity, but we need to make sure, that brainwashed russian imperialists do not end up in our bar. Please support us by filling up a VISA application, so nobody has to hang out alongside ass*oles. Thanks for understanding.
I am a citizen of Russia visiting Georgia. Having respect for my host country and its people, I agree to following:
I didn’t vote for Putin, he is a dictator
I condemn Russian aggression in Ukraine
Crimea is Ukraine, so are other disputed territories
Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions are Georgia
20% of Georgia are occupied by Russia
Every 12th Georgian turned into a refugee due to Russian invasion
I like the phrase “russkii voennii karabl, idi na xui”
Slava Ukraini
I understand that Dedaena bar is a friendly and tolerant place and Visa policy had been implemented due to a delicate political situation and some “bad” Russians who misbehaved in Dedaena bar.
I have read through General code of behavior:
Please understand, after crossing Georgian border, you are in a foreign country, act accordingly
Please use Georgian or English for communicating with the staff
Do not assume that people speak Russian, ask first
We do appreciate effort, we will be really happy if you learn magic words in Georgian, like “gamarjoba”, “madloba” and “ori ludi tu sheidzleba”
Do not offer us to pay in RUBL
Leave this box empty to get visa
Do not engage into political discussions while being drunk
Provide any kind of ID for entering Dedaena Bar. To receive your visa please input your email:
Visa will be delivered in your mail inbox
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